Friday, September 24, 2004

I crib everyday

I wonder when i would get the call to take up my job...its been 6 months !

And i am still jobless.

Well essentially it was their mistake not to have sent me the offer

letter in time as they had promised,and it had to take a clean sweep of my wonderful luck

to be kept on hold this way for the past 6 months!

I am scared,worried,upset and literally going mad!

I dont know wat to do now !

Waiting for my DAY to dawn soon..

I am helpless....

Please GOD show some mercy on me...

HELP me get over this phase...

I dont want to endup becoming a mental-wreck...which i almost am right now!

DO something.....

Get me the job....

I hate this limbo....

Why should there be a dividing line between me and the others who got thru at the same time

along with me ??

Divine Intervention - u say ?

I am not so sure that i believe it completely...cos if it was so u wud have done something about it

by now !

Nevertheless,It really doesnt matter.........I still have time....PLEASEEEEEEEEE GET ME THE JOB....DO SOMETHING !



better Kill me !

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