Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Friday, September 24, 2004

I crib everyday

I wonder when i would get the call to take up my job...its been 6 months !

And i am still jobless.

Well essentially it was their mistake not to have sent me the offer

letter in time as they had promised,and it had to take a clean sweep of my wonderful luck

to be kept on hold this way for the past 6 months!

I am scared,worried,upset and literally going mad!

I dont know wat to do now !

Waiting for my DAY to dawn soon..

I am helpless....

Please GOD show some mercy on me...

HELP me get over this phase...

I dont want to endup becoming a mental-wreck...which i almost am right now!

DO something.....

Get me the job....

I hate this limbo....

Why should there be a dividing line between me and the others who got thru at the same time

along with me ??

Divine Intervention - u say ?

I am not so sure that i believe it completely...cos if it was so u wud have done something about it

by now !

Nevertheless,It really doesnt matter.........I still have time....PLEASEEEEEEEEE GET ME THE JOB....DO SOMETHING !



better Kill me !

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Kindness Repaid

I liked this one a lot!

One day, a poor boy was selling goods from door to door to pay for his hungry stomach. He decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door.

Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. The woman thought he looked hungry, so brought him a large glass of milk.

He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?""You don't owe me anything," she replied. "Mother has taught us, never to accept pay for a kindness."He said....."Then I thank you from my heart."

Year's later that young woman became critically ill. The local doctors were baffled. They finally sent her to the big city, where they called in specialists to study her rare disease.

Dr. Howard Kelly was called in for the consultation. When he heard the name of the town she came from, a strange light filled his eyes.

Immediately he rose and went down the hall of the hospital to her room. Dressed in his doctor's gown he went in to see her. He recognized her at once.He went back to the consultation room determined to do his best to save her life.

From that day he gave special attention to the case. After long struggle, the battle was won.

Dr. Kelly requested the business office to pass the final bill to him for approval. He looked at it, then wrote something on the edge and the bill was sent to her room.

The woman feared opening it, for she was sure it would take the rest of her life to pay for it all. Finally she looked, and something caught her attention on the side of the bill. She read these words.....

"Paid in full with one glass of milk"Signed, Dr. Howard Kelly.Tears of joy flooded her eyes as her happy heart prayed:"Thank You, God, that Your love has spread abroad through human hearts and hands."

'To fix a broken life, use the tools of the heart."

Sometimes people are so obsessed with chasing after power/money and forgetabout lending a helping hand to others who are in need of assistance.

It is that special kindness and sincerity that can inspire the people to move on in life. It is not necessary that those whom you have helped must repay you in financial terms. At times, it is the nice feeling inside when you can see happiness in others and in turn develop much
happiness in yourself.

From one of my parchments ...

someone told me this sometime ago...

its really really difficult to get ppl who love u

n when u do get someone like tht

u wud do well to take it up

n seek ways to c tht u can live together

n ya when i say"ppl who love u"

i mean to say ppl"who know u verywell"

n those "ppl who can wait any long for u"n those with whom u think u r atleast comfortable if not at the top-of-the-world !

I wish to be a candle.......

A candle loses nothing by lighting another candle...

It spreads the hope of light at the cost of its loss....

A candle is like a ladder that helps others get on top by being stopmed at by everyone at every rung !

A Ladder - A candle - A teacher

A perfect combination of this is the love, kind and affection personified - Mother !

Knowing to respect and understand the sacrifices of a mother would be the first light out of the candle and the very first rung of the life's "Success Ladder"

Prospective Temperance

The unkind things that I ever did

Cannot be left undone

The mind that needs a solace

Cannot find one if its too late.

Something shook me off the envy and greed

That was buried too deep indeed

I go on my knees realizing it’s the almighty

Who rescued me out of this insanity!

No blood No sweat and No tears

Makes no man that this world bears!

It’s the contrition

Reeling back to the past

Thats left me nocturnal

We stand unique as a hailstone

To serve a purpose of our own

We are gifted being talent savvy

And would do good to add it up may we?

Noones gonna be left without options

Noones gonna be a piece of dry-straw

Swiveling around nothingness

In the storm of life.

It’s with us to remind ourselves

That we are no straws but pollens

Drifting around to find a place

For ourselves to prove as Stand – Alones!

Wednesday, September 15, 2004


When some one points out what they did to u...what does it mean ????

" i spent a full day talking to u do u realize ??????"

"Don’t u realize ?"

"Don’t u ??"

"Are u mad?"

"Are u insane ?"

"Time spent with u is a waste of energy and space…."

"What were u expecting????"

"R u that stupid ?"

"No Shred of Decency??"

No Decorum… no demureness…..No manners????

"What a waste u r … JJ"

Ha Ha !!

" Waste of the Universe…"

"U are not needed anymore"

"Thank You for ur time "

"Ur service to me or to the so called friendship is not needed anymore"

To be happy...say hello to everyone !

Hello to the wonderful world !!!

Rules Rule Everywhere !

The situation and the circumstances in which u have to refuse a person something might vary greatly from one situation to another. So u may need to adapt to the situation. However, it is essential to keep the basic governing rule the same – be courteous. There is no need to alter ur stand if u are justified in refusing. If u are convinced of ur justifications, be firm in ur refusal but try not to hurt a fellow human being with harsh words.

“You can only go halfway into the darkest forest; then u are coming out the other side.

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit” - Aristotle

" Rules, the very mention of the word makes u want to revolt and break through. Do this, do that, do not do this, do it only this way and not that way… an endless list. Rules, especially those formulated by others and imposed upon u make u want to defy them. We are forever looking for loopholes to escape from them.

People deride rules as–and-when they are posed. More often than not many are not so permissive to accept the rules posed in favor of the society or community or thyself.

There are many things we use today that have been a result of some great ideas pursued inexorably by those who conjured them up.. Each and every one of these ideas faced ridicule and criticism when first voiced. One must know that is the persistent endeavour that ensured making some of the dreams come true. Numerous other dreams may have withered at the offense posed in opposition to them and more often than not human race is renowned for having lost many a workable idea at the altar of ridicule.

For today’s life beacons for the most substantial survival attitude from its inmates

A positive attitude has a very strong influence on the mentality and motivation necessary for setting a goal to live and achieve it.

An inevitable emergency could possibly happen to anyone, anywhere. When confronted with an unexpected survival situation man has the potential to overcome many challenges, beat incredible odds, and come out as a survivor. But what is survival anyway? Survival is the art of surviving beyond any event. To survive means to remain alive - to live. Survival is preparing oneself and being ready in taking any given circumstance, accepting the same, and trying to improve it, while sustaining ur life until u can get out of the situation. And most importantly, survival is a state of mind. One definitely must be in the proper frame of mind to survive an unplanned situation. Survival depends a great deal on a person’s ability to withstand stress in emergency situations. A strong desire to continue living is a must as far as ur mindset goes. Ur brain is without doubt ur best survival tool. It is ur most valuable asset in a survival situation. It isn’t always the physically strong who are the most effective or better at handling fear in emergency situations. Survival more often depends on the individual’s reactions to stress than upon the danger, terrain, or nature of the emergency. To adapt is to live. Mental skills are much more important than physical skills in survival situations.

When times of crisis strike u, all u have to do is to decide with in seconds whether ur gonna say yes or no to the problems that’s gonna end up hounding you.

It resides with what u are gonna do with the problem…u decide to stick to it or discard it instantly at the face of it. Well to deal with the problem would mean ur strict presence and ur 100% attention to resolve the problem everytime it resurfaces.

Choosing to ignore things would only mean that ur very weak to confront ur self or others when it comes to crisis management. Look at ur self before u look at others…think …plan…decide and then execute.

Keeping a positive mental outlook is for certain the most important aspect of survival

But then expecting the positive attitude to serve as the back up factor all the time cannot be practically true. Things do take their own stride in playing its role in ones life. so preparing for the worst and hoping for the best might probably help to some extent.

Controlling ur fears and maintaining ur balance is always good.