Friday, October 29, 2004

Eternal Change!

Some people never budge or never are they prone to any change thats brought about by say, climatic conditions or personal experiences or thru experiences of others!

I donot know what they inturn intend to achieve by being so deterministic about things that are traits defining their characteristics.


Maybe its cos we seek change in everything at the exchange of our expectations at every other second in life that the change is also being so crabby about changing itself.

Dualistic nature of humans...

argumentative attitude of humans...

Pessismistic mindset of humans...

Possessive thoughts of humans...

Every thing above is a definite minus to very budding success...

But i guess not even one puts in a skimpy amount of useful energy in leashing the same..


catering to the cacophonies of nocturnal idiosyncracies ..... juggled up with whats right and whats not...

Centrifuge and separate the liquid and precipate


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Jokes and the Jokers

Some people often want to be funny...Either they prefer to be so or they are like that naturally is not a real concern.But what matters is that in trying to be funny there lies the most incidental difference that totally rules out the tangential factor of the comical attitude!

And there is this other sect,that always tries in vain like this to sound...look or be funny !

Well...I am not here to talk about real life comedies or likes of that seen on the big/small screens....Comedy is a natural factor...Its got its own value only when it comes out originally and for the first time...

well ofcourse there are few visual comedies which are always funny no matter how many ever times u watch them....but it is also true that one gets tired to hear the same joke over and over again ....

cha what a world ?

people get bored in life with everything that they want variety in things...

People are also running so fast in their life chasing behind nothingness that they fail to see the senselessness/stupidity in their shabbiest display of their mental picture...

that reminded me one such case ...

There was a japanese teenager who wanted to achieve things very fast in his life.

He chose martial arts as his area to achieve his goal and found a master who was about 70 yrs old and a much experienced person at that.

So one fine day he goes to master and says...

Guy: Master, how long would it take for me to learn the art of Karate and Judo fully....??

Master: Well it takes about 5 yrs if u work very hard!

Guy: oh....that long ??But master i want to learn them both at a much faster pace ...if thats the case then how long would it take to learn ??

Master: ic...well then it would take 25 yrs for u to learn !

Guy: ???!!!

so moral of the story....

Never hurry things up....(look whos talking :P:P)

When ur destined to achieve something u wud do it defaulto !!!

Do not push or force things to get them done ur way !!

Last but not the least : That ends the story...

On tht very note of having bugged i,me,myself and the browser...

52 secs before i click the Publish Post button...

Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Mental Wreckage

Its one of those unexpected ...unwanted and not much sought after situations that lets u down totally and thoroughlyyyy....No matter how hard u try not to break down !

This is a kind of day when everything feels so hard that I just want to punch, kick, bite, shove, and cry out of frustration. The kind of day when the small annoyances, like not being able to login into the messenger, or connect to the internet to check ur mail, or having your mother remind you about unkempt house,unfinished works, unpaid bills....annoyances you might normally take in a stride,but on a day like this which wud grow up to immense, head-crushing proportions.

Granted, it doesn't help that I didn't do my exercises for a day. But then, it also doesnt help much with gaining anything either with everything at a LIMBO .....

ha ha...i wrote something abut being neither here nor there...apparently...I am BORN to be left in a LIMBO i guess.....

Messssssssss Maker.....Like a PACE MAKER for the BLOCKED HEARTS ....PRESENTING THE MOST INFECTIOUS CONTAGIOUS "MESS MAKER" for a Peaceful Life to be upturned like a hour glass from Everything to NOTHING.........


This is getting far too realistic as the days go by....

From an extremely meaningful life to a highly mind boggling ...Labyrinthic wonderland....where i am the solo player....who actively plays to LOOSE or THE RESULT IS WITHHELD....LIMBO AGAIN :-D

ha ha ha !!!!

What more can be expected of a mirthless soul...knowingly its like use the unused to check for the Peak of uselessness and laugh at it, at the brim of ur success with the mockery being staged at an unweaponed warrior against a powerful enemy !

He i wud like to say...Every DOG will have its day...and i am sure this dogess too will have it soon.....

SOON enuff tht the owner of the heaven doesnt want to get into close contact with my rambling cacophonies to go deaf or mad !!!!!

So much for a JOBLESS life i say ......:D:D

I wish,pray and hope that....everyone in the world from today on....Should either have only two options in their life either ..."SELECT" or "REJECT"....and no more of this LIMBOMANIAS.........